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Title: How to hide WhatsApp Images from Gallery
Author: Unknown
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The images we get on WhatsApp include a lot of memes & funny pictures and we don’t really need them in our phone gallery. Fortunately, t...

The images we get on WhatsApp include a lot of memes & funny pictures and we don’t really need them in our phone gallery. Fortunately, there’s a tweak which lets you hide WhatsApp images from Gallery.

On an iPhone, you simply need to go to

>Phone Settings-


>Photos and

>Turn off  WhatsApp

That’s it, you will no longer see any WhatsApp pictures in your iPhone’s Photos app.

However, hiding WhatsApp pictures from Gallery in Android is a slightly lengthy process. Here’s what you need to do:

Open whichever File Manager app you have installed. You can check out the best File Manager apps for Android, if you don’t have one installed. In file manager, Go to the WhatsApp folder and then Media.

Then, rename the “WhatsApp Images” and “WhatsApp Video” folders to “.WhatsApp Images” and “.WhatsApp Video” respectively. This will hide the WhatsApp images and videos from your Android smartphone’s gallery.

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