Unknown Unknown Author
Title: Everalbum is a popular iOS app that's finally available on Android, features unlimited photo backups and more
Author: Unknown
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
I, personally, am always in the market for a new gallery app. None of them seem to hit all the marks for what I'm looking for in a gall...

I, personally, am always in the market for a new gallery app. None of them seem to hit all the marks for what I'm looking for in a gallery app (although Focus comes close), but today, popular iOS photo backup app, "Everalbum," is now available on Android. The app is like most other gallery apps that feature backup cloud backup solutions and like Google Photos, features unlimited high-resolution backups for free.

You can even import photos from Facebook, Instagram, or Google Photos to Everalbum, making it the one stop shop for all your photos, no matter where they're stored. There's also an option to delete old photos from your phone -- after they've been safely backed up to the cloud of course -- when your memory starts running low. This will help free up precious internal storage, giving you more room for apps, games, or other media.

There's also the option to upgrade to the Everalbum Plus plan which runs $10 a month to get full-resolution photo and video backups. A free 7-day trial will be provided if you choose this option, with the subscription being managed directly from the app's listing on Google Play. Not too shabby and not a bad option for those looking to break free from Google services although, it could be more costly than going with additional Drive storage. Then again, Everalbum Plus is "unlimited."

Download on Google Play: Everalbum

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