By Thornton Crowe
Wow, what a week we've had... it's hard to believe we still live in America. We've had so much thrown at us, it's a miracle we don't have a collective mental breakdown.
From the FBI uproar over Clinton's emails and congressional backlash to BLM's marches before judgment and onto Dallas's horrific loss of five police officers whom fell under sniper fire inspiring other shootings the following day, this week has been a continual rapid fire succession of one thing after another. Even our own local events have seemed to conspire against any semblance of peace. One would think, stepping back, viewing all these separate events, they appear to be autonomous. But are they?
James Comey | Hillary Clinton
There is such a thing as emotional overload. It is a way for the powers that be to keep us continually in a state of unrest in order to get emotions to fever pitch. Once achieved over long periods of adrenal rush, people begin to wear down. With this diminishing resolve, tempers reign and cause people to do and/or say things they wouldn't under normal circumstances. Some call it Stockholm Syndrome - while others call it battle fatigue or shell shock, it's all pretty much is the same thing.
DallasIs this what we have to look forward to until November? A series of never-ending incidents, designed to promote frenzy and mass confusion? Perhaps. It's not like it hasn't been done throughout history. Many cultures including ours, have experienced periods where we were inundated by events in order to bring about social discord.
Unlike people in firing lines or war torn countries, we have a choice to let our passions get the better of us. We can turn off the news and find solace in some mind-numbing programming, hug our dogs or play a game with our kids.
We have to remain calm even when everything around us seems to be going off the rails. These could all be wag-the-dog theater to keep us off-kilter - while some are positive, others are very negative and destructive.
AtlantaYou're probably thinking old Thornton has dropped his basket, but you will be dropping yours should this blitzkrieg continues until the election. I know many people's passions are high. We're all worried about the election and many are angry with the political class we have thrown in our faces 24-7, but we do have to dial back.
By no means am I suggesting that we turn a blind eye to injustice in the world, but we need to keep things in perspective. We can't follow the blind insanity not knowing all the facts - or react to politicians spewing divisive speech to get everyone all ginned up! We need to find some moments of clarity that requires clear thinking in order to discern what's fact from fiction - what's really going on.
1968 Vietnam DemonstrationThis is one of the reasons why 1968 was so pivotal in our history. Excessive overload caused the young to do some pretty insane things, which got some in a lot of trouble. The older generations, while better equipped due to maturity, are still grappling with the milieu that swirls around us. We can't let the hostile actors win. Hence, we must remain sane.
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