By Thornton Crowe
A pointed response to Mike Lewis's comments.
While I'm certainly no fan of Mike Lewis, a lot of what he says is true about Obama. It's pretty clear the Obama administration and Democrats are radicalize and trafficking hate in America - not just towards law enforcement but our society in general.
In his blind hatred, he and the whole Democrat party elites have vilified Trump for daring to love our country along with demonizing organizations like the Tea Party whom only seek to restore ourConstitutional Rights and preserve our sovereignty.
It's time people grasp the vast difference between the Democrats today verses the party they knew thirty years ago. They're not of the same ideology -- no where close! Now, they profit from divisive speech which incites, no, demands violent exchanges that goes to disrupt and tear apart our societal fabric. Like a virus, they have tried to alter our perceptions to our own demise!
Simply put, we need to end this insidious romanticizing of the Left as some social justice warrior group and realize they are demonstratively hypocritical.
How ironic is it that Clinton comes out about racism in America - citing the system treats blacks unfairly when she, herself, was just given a pass for her criminality for the moment. She prospered (albeit temporarily) from this double standard justice that has the black men in jail while she gets to run for president and make such platitudes and frivolous promises to her 'masses.'
Open your eyes, my friends, the Democrat party has become a self-serving and self-interest only panderer that wants votes to retain their entitlements of power and money. There's not altruistic motus operandi here.
Don't be fooled by the feel good, feigned social justice moments. It's all a charade designed to get your vote only.
Obama has never had America's best interest at heart and his actions have betrayed his words. Even our GDP being less than 3% for his entirepresidency is indicative of his apathy for our financial well-being. Furthermore, his incendiary speeches about violence and meetings with hate groups like BLM demonstrate a complete disregard for our personal safety. His denial of reality is to make you deny right along with him. Don't be fooled, he knows why the Dallas sniper gunned down police officers from an elevated perch. He also knows the perpetrator's criminal intent and the fact it was a well-thought out act of violence.
In short, Obama is still scamming Americans. After 7-1/2 years of this insane puppet show, when is it going to sink in, you've been duped every way imaginable! Wake up America.
How say you?
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