Detailed guide on how to change Android apk imei number to BlackBerry imei using mobile uncle tools.
Wow thats amazing right:
You will be changing your imei even without rooting your android phone
You might want to activate the Glo BIS which is 1000 naira for 3 gigabytes which is well known to work on BlackBerry
But :Its isn't supported to work on android device
With the help mobile uncle tools you can easily change your android imei to blackberry imei and browse with the 3 gigabyte you got from the Glo BIS .
Note: Imei changing only works for the below specified mediatek(mtk) phone
Also note that changing of phone imei number is illegal in some regions so as to reduce crime rate therefore don't held me responsible for any assault. Make sure you also back up your old imei number by writing it down somewhere.
To do this just dail *#06#
Then follow these step to change your mediatek imei number to blackberry even without pc
1.Download BlackBerry imei generator here and generate the blackberry imei you want to use.
2. Download your Android mobile uncle tools on Google play store
3.Launch your mobile uncle tools and click on
"Engineer mode" then click on "Engineer Mode (Mtk)"
4. Then the next page swipe from right to left or click on connectivity then click on "cds information" , After that click on "Radio information"
5. The next page will tell you to select "phone 1(sim 1)" or "phone 2 (sim 2)" click on your wished slot lets use phone 1
6. At the provided space is "AT+" don't delete it, then type this code at the front of AT+ EGMR=1,7,"Your Imei Number"
The code will now look like this AT+ EGMR=1,7,"358********"then click on send at command, note that there should be a space in between AT+ and EGMR to get successful, If its successful a pop message of "AT command is msent" will be shown.
7. If you are to use phone 2 the only difference there is you won't be using AT+EGMR=1,7,"IMEI NUMBER"
The code you will be using for it is AT+EGMR=1,10,"IMEI NUMBER"
Its just simple the only difference is that phone 1 uses "1,7," While phone 2 uses "1,10,"
To verify if your imei changing is successful just reboot your phone or put it in an airplane mode and swith it off then dail *#06#.
8. Then to suscribe for the BIS subscription by sending "comonth" without quotes to 777, after sending just put your android phone in airplane mode for 30 minutes and restore back.
You will get a welcome message saying you have successfully activated the BIS
If you have any questions about this process you can easily comment below, i will reply to you asap
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