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Title: What do you think Nigeria Youth needs most? Low Price Data or Corrupt Free Govt.
Author: Unknown
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Nigeria needs low priced data (free) There is a huge debate on the Internet and media on whether differential priced data services should be...

Nigeria needs low priced data (free)

There is a huge debate on the Internet and media on whether differential priced data services should be permitted as repeatedly demanded by the telecom majors and the social media giants. 

NCC of Nigeria has done there best but it seems nigerian yoith want different things from the this network providers. Nigeria youths of today are buying smartphones not because they want to be notice thought sometimes but to be connected to the world and be able to communica...

They also want to be on social media see what is going on around the world and also being able to know the latest info like fashion, music, smartphones, cars, apps, games, and so on..

But you know that this will cost alot though as I said before the providers mtn, etisalat, Glo, Airtel are doing their best but still we need more from them..like 10GB for #100, and so on...and even if possible, data should be free...

Facebook which accumulated surplus investor funds of $100 billion even before generating  a moderate revenue earning of $100 million is using its capital to carve out huge market shares from several populous developing nations like Indonesia, and India. Facebook Basics is not free. It is the customer acquisition cost of a million people. The full page advertisement blitz in newspapers and television and offering free service to a million internet users each year is less than an estimated $5 million. However for every 1 million customers added through Free Basics the advertisement revenue earned is worth 1.5 million on a rough estimate. However Facebook’s revenue model and profitability would not be of immediate concern to most of us unless data offered free was usurping the primary role of quality voice service.


There are 207 million subscribers of 2G services with an average 200MB data usage per month and there are 92 million users of 3G services using 800MB data per month. The rest are recently launched 4G users whose data consumption is even heavier at over 2GB per month. The users of  high data are the more affluent customers who are also the biggest  spenders. Free data or ‘ data subsidy’ is actually to target not the poor but the very affluent customers who are the heaviest buyers in the e commerce sites, have the most expensive smartphones and spend hours of leisure time on WhatsApp or Facebook sharing photos and videos. 

However data sharing especially of viral videos cause acute network congestion and lead to unplanned and sudden traffic and call drops. It is like permitting rampant use of air conditioners at subsidized power tariff when electricity is in short supply and power shortage is rampant. In a country like India that would be disastrous. As  a  matter of fact in India where call drop is phenomenal, voice should be subsidized and data usage should be charged at a much higher rate, for they cater to the upwardly mobile consumer


Nigeria youths are also sensible in this way. They want to see themselves as leaders and not a followers. They believe they have follow for long time and since when they are young they had being called tomorrow leaders but this proverbs nlhas never come to pass in their life...

They want to rule the world seeing themselves as leaders in all field in the world..they vote in change to experience something new but unfortunately it is still old wind in new bottle which might not work in Nigeria politics.

Nigeria youth want better future and they thought that voting in a good government will help them but you all know what wegot from this...

Though some youth are making it but the % is so small that they now sells their well being for a cheap price in all ways to get rich...

But only one solution I know is that Nigeria youth should take their future in their hands rather than law in their hand..we need to decided what we need ..a follower or leaders...

We have powers to erase all this corrupt leaders and youth cause I believe that some youth are corrupt than leaders of today...

We have the change these political parties.. We have all that it takes to decide and rule the words...

Now we shout for better government and yet we have not decided.

Well am not here on that ...

All that I want to know is that 




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