Unknown Unknown Author
Title: How To Browse And Download For Free New Method
Author: Unknown
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There is campaign going in town telling you to activate free whatsapp wifi. Actually most people think it's a scam but it is not a scam...

There is campaign going in town telling you to activate free whatsapp wifi.

Actually most people think it's a scam but it is not a scam.

You can browse for free using their server that what I am currently using to post this topic right now.

Step to follow so as to browse and download for free:
1. Goto Whatsapp free wifi site to activate it. Click here to goto their site
i. You will be told to invite 15 of your friends from whatsapp. Don't mind dem do so.
ii. After the invite you will be taken to a human verification page. Follow the instructions on the page.

2. After the human verification don't do anything just leave the site.

3. Then goto you phone setting>> more setting>> Mobile network >> Access point names>> tap on the current access point you are using>> then change your APN to
" bitly.com/access-0000 '

Note: don't put the qoutes
It works on all sim cards. I tested it on MTN, GLO, Airtel and Etisalat

After that save it.
Then tune your data on.
You should see that you are connected
Then start browsing and downloading till ur phone dies.
Tested and trusted

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