Unknown Unknown Author
Title: Comprehensive Tips To Change The IMEI Of Android 4.4.2 And Above
Author: Unknown
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1. Search and download Mobileuncle MTK tool or Mtk engineering mode from Google Playstore. 2. Open the mobileuncle app, scroll down and tap...

1. Search and download Mobileuncle MTK tool or Mtk engineering mode from Google Playstore.

2. Open the mobileuncle app, scroll down and tap on Engineering mode.

3. Click on CDS information.

4. Click on the radio information then select SIM 1 or SIM 2 to change the imei number to Blackberry. To change SIM 1 imei number to blackberry, touch phone 1 and in the popup, touch the AT+. Once you touch the keyboard will popup then you will have to type any single letter and cancel only the letter you have type.

5. Immediately you can notice the scribes that is required for you it will look likeAT+EGMR=1,7''''

6. Click the first row and after 7 you can notice the simple ''''... Write generated so it becomes at+EGMR=1,7"861155021267873"

7. Verify the typed blackberry imei numbers, then close the inverted commas. Click the SEND AT COMMAND. Once the pop up display indicates AT command successfully send. Reboot your phone and you are done.

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