Here I will share with you a simple way to share your blog on a Facebook page using the Facebook Notes app. You will able to share your blog on your personal Facebook page (ideal for a personal blog) or share it / import it into a "business" page.
Install the Facebook Notes application: first click here to go to the Notes app page. On this page click on the "Go To App" button in the top left hand corner - this will install the Notes app for you.Now go to your page, in our case Click Edit Page on the top rightClick Apps in the left sidebarLook for the Notes app and click on the "Go To App" link on the Notes line.At the bottom of the left sidebar look for a link called "Import a Blog". Click this and follow the instructions which will ask you for the URL of your RSS feed. Your blog will ultimately show up on your Notes tab (this may take upto a couple of hours).
Congratulations! You have done it.
Each imported blog post (a note) will automatically generate an entry on your page's wall. This is exactly what you want, so that your page fans (those who have liked your page) see your blog post title show up in their feed.
Note that these instructions are for the new Facebook profile.
Know some tricks related to this? Feel free to share it in a comment. If you have problems getting it working, let us know in a comment.
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