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Title: Clinton email tech companies hit with subpoenas
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Clinton email tech companies hit with subpoenas House Republicans served subpoenas Monday to three technology companies that handled Hillar...

Clinton email tech companies hit with subpoenas

House Republicans served subpoenas Monday to three technology companies that handled Hillary Clinton's private emails in search of documents needed for their investigation of her private server network.

The Science, Space and Technology Committee ordered Austin McChord, CEO of Datto, Inc., to produce to the committee by Sept. 9 documents related to his firm's involvement with the maintenance of the Clinton email server.

Two other technology company CEOs, Treve Suazo of Platte River Networks and Victor Nappe of SENCAP Network Security Corporation, also received subpoenas from the committee to produce documents.

Cover letters included with the subpoenas noted that the committee had sought the "voluntary cooperation" of the firms for several months before serving the executives.

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