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Title: Stop buying email lists. Build up your own OPT-IN email assets.
Author: Unknown
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It’s becoming pretty outdated to use email lists that have been squeezed until the last drop by many internet marketers out there. Most of t...

It’s becoming pretty outdated to use email lists that have been squeezed until the last drop by many internet marketers out there. Most of them go for an easy way by buying these lists which eventually end up as another spam. I think it’s not the right and honest way to market your product. If you want credible and loyal customers you need to build up your own opt- in email lists. But what are opt–in email lists?
Well it is a list in which a visitor intentionally signs up to receive email regarding new updates about your brand. But how we can build up that list? Follow these tips to begin your quest to gain serious customers.
1. Start blogging:
It’s an excellent gateway to show that you’re legit and are honest with your business. Your content should be of the top notch quality and should be resourceful to attract readers that eventually force them to share your content with their friends and family. Also make sure that you incorporate social media sharing option so that your word could spread beyond the target audience.
2. Convert visitors into potential customers:
That’s the cream fellas. You can attract people on your blog and they probably might end up liking your product or business proposal. But the question is that out of all these visitors how many are willing to open their wallets for you? Free stuff and services always go a long way and in this competitive internet marketing era you got to act like Santa. You can start by giving out free educational content like free e-books, webinars etc or connect them with your sales team to offer free consultation/quote. But to access these gated assets make sure that your site’s visitors give up their email address.
3. Pay per click advertising in search engines:
It’s a great way to capture some percentage of people who are using search engines to look for answers. Just use correct marketing keywords and make sure that your ad eventually leads to a targeted landing page. This will help you gain more opt-in leads.
4. Social media:
I think it’s one of the best source out there. Advertise your merchandize on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest. According to the recent statistics social network reaches around more than 80% of the total internet users. Therefore it’s a gold mine. Dig deep!!
These were my two cents fellas. I would love to know about your personal experience on this topic.

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