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Title: Trump accuses Hillary of 'bigotry' and fomenting a 'war on police'
Author: Unknown
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Donald Trump on Tuesday night tied Hillary Clinton to rioters and looters in Milwaukee and accused his opponent of being anti-police. Spea...

Donald Trump on Tuesday night tied Hillary Clinton to rioters and looters in Milwaukee and accused his opponent of being anti-police.

Speaking to a packed and mostly white crowd in West Bend, outside Milwaukee, Trump referenced the riots that raged for two days after a Milwaukee police officer shot a black motorist who police say brandished a loaded handgun at a traffic stop. 

'Just like Hillary is against the miners, she is against the police – believe me. You know it and I know it and guess what, she knows it,' Trump told a few hundred enthusiastic supporters who shouted out 'Lock her up!' and 'Treason!' at mentions of Clinton.

'Law and order must be restored. It must be restored for the sake of all – but most especially for the sake of those living in the affected communities,' Trump said.


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