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Title: Trump bashes Clinton for lying about Colin Powell
Author: Unknown
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Donald Trump called out Hillary Clinton's claim to the FBI that former Secretary of State Colin Powell advised her to use a personal em...

Donald Trump called out Hillary Clinton's claim to the FBI that former Secretary of State Colin Powell advised her to use a personal email account during her time at the State Department.

Appearing on "Fox and Friends," Trump said Clinton "lied" about Powell's advice, which he says came a full year after she started using her private server in Chappaqua, N.Y., adding that the entire situation is a "scam."

"She's a liar. I mean, she lies. She lied about the email," Trump said before turning to Powell. "She lied about Colin Powell. I saw that. He was not happy."

"The whole thing is a scam with them," Trump added. "Everything is a scam, like grifters."

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