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Title: Trump: Clinton Must Apologize for 'Death and Destruction' She Caused
Author: Unknown
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Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton must apologize for the “death and destruction” she caused during her tenure as secretary of State.  “Her...

Donald Trump says Hillary Clinton must apologize for the “death and destruction” she caused during her tenure as secretary of State. 

“Her tenure as secretary of State may be regarded as the most disastrous in U.S. history, but yet she is totally without remorse,” Trump said Friday at a campaign rally at Dimondale, Mich.

“Her failed decisions as secretary of State unleashed ISIS onto the world. But has she ever apologized for the death and destruction she has caused?”

Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, called his Democratic rival “indifferent to the suffering she has caused.”

“She offers no apologies for selling government favors. No apologies for unleashing ISIS. No apologies for open borders. No apologies for lying about her emails, or about Benghazi,” he said.

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